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Feise ann an Gàidhlig/Sex in Gaelic

Episode 8 of 10

Presenter Catriona Lexy Campbell takes a trip across the country to unearth the hidden sexual history of the Gaels.

Thèid am preseantair, Catriona Lexy Chaimbeul, air chuairt air feadh na dùthcha gus ionnsachadh mu eachdraidh feise fhalaichte nan Gàidheal. Tro bhàrdachd, litreachas, ceòl is cleachdaidhean, chì sinn taobh dhe cultar nan Gàidheal air nach eil cuid cho eòlach is sinn a’ toirt fuasgladh air eachdraidh a tha èibhinn, annasach agus, gu tric, uabhannach.

Coinnichidh Catriona ri Pàdraig MacAoidh, co-ùghdar a’ chiad cruinneachadh de bhàrdachd drabasta sa Ghàidhlig. Còmhla ri Pàdraig, gheibh i an cothrom sùil fhaighinn air a’ bhàrdachd drabasta às sine a th’ againn sa Ghàidhlig agus gheibh i eòlas air na caractaran annasach a’ chruthaich iad. Aig Oilthigh Chill Rìmhinn, thèid i a dh’fhaicinn tasglann sgainnealach bhon Beggar’s Benison, club airson fireannaich a-mhàin le beachdan gu math suarach air feise, a chaidh a chruthachadh le Gàidheal san ochdamh linn deug agus, san Eilean Sgitheanach, thèid i a bhruidhinn ris an t-seinneadair is beul-aithrisiche, Anna Mhàrtainn, gus tuigse fhaighinn air mar a bha boireannaich a’ dèiligeadh ri feise – agus na cunnartan a bha tighinn leis – ann an òrain.

Ann an Siorrachd Inbhir Nis, thèid i a’ chèilidh air an ùghdar cliùiteach, Sarah Fraser, gus ionnsachadh mu dheidhinn Alasdair Mac Mhaighstir Alasdair, aon dhe na bàird às cliùitiche sa Ghàidhlig ged a chaidh cuid dhen sgrìobhadh aige a chasg air sgàth ’s cho salach sa bha e. An e gun robh e olc mar a bha feadhainn ag ràdh no an robh adhbhar eile airson an sgrìobhadh drabasta aige?

Presenter Catriona Lexy Campbell takes a trip across the country to unearth the hidden sexual history of the Gaels. Through poetry, literature, songs and customs, we discover a rarely seen side of Gaelic culture as we explore this fascinating, eye-opening and often shocking history.

Catriona meets Peter Mackay who co-authored the first collection of obscene and transgressive verse in Gaelic, The Little Blue Book. With Peter, she views the oldest erotic verse in the Gaelic language and learns about the colourful characters that created them. At the University of St Andrews, Catriona takes a look at the scandalous archive from the 18th century gentleman’s club, started by a Gael and with some shocking attitudes to sex, The Beggar’s Benison. In the Isle of Skye, she meets singer and folklorist Anne Martin to find out how women dealt with sex, and its accompanying dangers, in song.

In Inverness-shire, Catriona visits acclaimed author Sarah Fraser to learn about Alexander Macdonald, one of the most renowned poets in the Gaelic language but, thanks to some of his more obscene poems, also one of the most censored. Was he really wicked as some critics thought or was there another reason for his sordid compositions?

In Gaelic with English subtitles

13 days left to watch

59 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Catriona Lexy Campbell
Production Manager Marion Maclean
Director Catriona Lexy Campbell
Producer Ann Morrison
Executive Producer Margaret Mary Murray
