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Crìoch Buidhne/The End of a Gang

Mariani and Casanova both fulfill their childhood dreams by entering the sports world. The clan seems invulnerable.

1992. 'La Brise de Mer' has succeeded in building a massive empire worth tens of millions. Mariani and Casanova both fulfill their childhood dreams by entering the sports world. The clan seems invulnerable. But the arrival of new enemies belonging to nationalist groups as well as the rise of internal dissension will soon cause it to falter.

1992. Bha "La Brise de Mer" air ìmpireachd biastail a thogail – luach nan deichean mhilleanan. Choilean Mariani is Casanova miannan an òige ann an saoghal spòrs. Bha coltas do-leònadh air a' chinneadh. Ach nochdadh nàimhdean ùra bho bhuidhnean nàiseantaich agus easaonta am broinn a' chinnidh, a' fàgail cùisean cugallach.

Dubbed in Gaelic with English subtitles

14 days left to watch

54 minutes


Role Contributor
Narrator Derek Mackay
Executive Producer Calum McConnell
Producer Ann Morrison
Editor Innes Macleod
