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The water in the Spuds’ flat is off, and having not had a bath in weeks, Dave is sent down to the basement to find the problem.

Tha an t-uisge dheth ann am flat nam Ploc. Tha seachdainean bhon a thug Pòl boiseag nighidh dha fhèin mu dheireadh, is tha e air a chuir sìos dhan ìoslach a dh’fhaicinn gu dè a tha ceàrr air na pìoban uisge. Shìos an sin tha e a’ coinneachadh ri Seoc Sùbailte, fear eile nach bi ga nighe fhèin, is tha esan ga fhiathachadh dhan bhuidheann spèilidh aige, Na Clàbaraich. Tha dà riaghailt aig Na Clàbaraich: bidh iad a’ spèileadh agus tha samh asta.

The water in the Spuds’ flat is off, and having not had a bath in weeks, Dave is sent down to the basement to find the problem. There Dave stumbles across a fellow stinker, Josh Gnarly, who invites him to join his skating gang, the NeverCleans. The group have one motto, they skate and they stink.

11 minutes
