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Telling the truth is not always a good idea!

Episode 23 of 26

Petit starts telling white lies that grow little by little, until they turn into big lies and cause a huge misunderstanding.

Tha màthair Pheicein a’ trod ris às dèidh dha a ràdh ri nurs gu bheil a sròn mòr. Bhon mhionaid sin, tha Peicein a’ tòiseachadh ri breugan beaga innse, is tha iad sin a’ sìor fhàs nam breugan mòra, is ag adhbharrachadh mì-thuigse uabhasach!

Petit's mum scolds him for telling a nurse that she has a big nose. From that moment on, Petit starts telling white lies that grow little by little, until they turn into big lies and cause a huge misunderstanding.

7 minutes


Role Contributor
Various Linda MacLeod
Various Kim Carnie
Various Calum MacDonald
Various Calum MacAmhlaigh
Various Eoghan MacDonald
Executive Producer Bill MacLeod
Editor Chas Chalmers
Production Company Solus Productions
