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Màirneal Rìoghail

Tha Stella air màirneal fhaighinn an dèidh mi-thuigs’ mu thilgeil ball-pàipear. Stella has been given detention after a mix-up over the throwing of a paper ball.

Tha Stella air màirneal fhaighinn airson a’ chiad turas a-riamh – an dèidh mi-thuigs’ mu thilgeil ball-pàipear san tional. Chan fhaod a parantan faighinn a-mach mun seo. Ciamar a thèid dhi?

Stella has been given detention for the first time ever, after a misunderstanding over the throwing of a paper ball in assembly. Her parents must not find out about this. How will she get on?

27 days left to watch

11 minutes


Role Contributor
Stella Lana Beaton
Queen Kat Patsi MacKenzie
King Rob/Mgr. Bruno Calum Macaulay
Freya Mischa Macpherson
Mia Claire Frances MacNeil
Executive Producer Bill Macleòid
Producer May Smart
Producer Mairi Macleod
Editor Phil Reed


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