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Ceòl-còignear Roc Rìoghail

Tha Stella mòr-chòrdte leis a h-uile duine Disathairne. Stella is popular with everyone on Saturday!

Tha Stella glacte sa mheadhan – tha i air gealltainn gun cluich i ’n clàrsach aig Pàrtaidh Gàrraidh dha Seanmhair Disathairne ’s aig a' cheart àm tha a còmhlan dol a bhith a’ cluich aig cuirm. Dè nì i?

Stella is caught in the middle - she has promised to play the harp for the Queen Mother’s Garden Party on Saturday and at the same time her band are going to play at a party. What will she do?

11 minutes


Role Contributor
Stella Lana Beaton
Queen Kat Patsi MacKenzie
King Rob Calum Macaulay
Mia Claire Frances MacNeil
Molly Lauren Ferguson
Executive Producer Bill Macleòid
Producer May Smart
Producer Mairi Macleod
Editor Phil Reed
Writer Alec Macdonald
