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Chaidh do Mhealladh

Tha tòrr meallaidh a’ gabhail àit’ is Merri agus Seonaidh faisg air làimh! There’s a lot of hoodwinking going on when Merri and Seonaidh are nearby!

Tha an dithis mhealltair – Merri is Seonaidh – ri miastadh. Nuair a tha ’ad a' toirt seachad gheallaidhean nach meall ’ad na Gumbalan, tha ’ad a' tionndadh gus feuchainn ris a’ char a thoirt às na Bògaisean. Saoil ciamar a thèid dhaibh?

The two tricksters, Merri and Seonaidh, are up to no good. When they promise not to trick the Gumbals, they turn to playing mischief on the Bògaisean. How will they get on?

1 day left to watch

12 minutes


Role Contributor
°Õ°ù´Ç¾±²µ/¸éì²µ³ó Iain Macrae
Bonns/Merri Mischa Macpherson
Uilidh/Seonaidh Lana Beaton
¶Ùù»å/³§²Ô´Ç°ù²µ Derek MacIntosh
Glob Calum MacKinnon
Executive Producer Bill Macleòid
Producer May Smart
Editor Phil Reed
Producer Mairi Macleod


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