Episode 1
Heather Dewar meets Ruairidh Gray in a Glasgow studio and draws his colour portrait. Fraoch Nic an De貌ir cuide ri Ruairidh Gray ann an Glaschu son a dhealbhadh an dath.
Islay-born artist Heather Dewar returns to our screens with a new series. Combining the role of artist and interviewer, she creates colour portraits of well-known Gaels 鈥 while teasing out of them every little detail of their life story! In this programme, Heather meets and draws Ruairidh Gray, Mod Gold Medal winner from South Uist who is studying music at the Royal Conservatoire in Glasgow.
Heather takes some time away from the studio to visit the National gallery in Edinburgh and one of her favourite portraits, The Rev Robert Walker Skating on Duddingston Loch, by Sir Henry Raeburn.
Tha Fraoch Nic an De貌ir a 脤le air ais air an sgrion le sreath 霉r de 鈥淒healbhan Fraoich鈥. An d脿 chuid na t猫-ealain agus na ceasnaiche, tha i a鈥檇猫anamh dealbhan dathte de Gh脿idheil air a bheil sinn e貌lach 鈥 agus a鈥檛脿ladh asta iomadh sgeul mu eachdraidh am beatha.
鈥 S a鈥 phr貌gram seo tha Fraoch a鈥檆oinneachadh 鈥榮 a dealbhadh Ruairidh Gray, buannaiche Buinn 脪ir a鈥 Chomainn 脿 Uibhist a Deas 鈥榮 a tha an dr脿sta na oileanach ci霉il sa Conservatoire Rioghail, Glaschu.
Air falbh bhon sti霉deo tha Fraoch a鈥檛adhal air Gailearaidh N脿iseanta, Dh霉n Eideann a shealltainn air dealbh gl猫 phr矛seil dhith le Eanruig Raeburn-Am Ministear Sp猫ilidh.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
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