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Tha tubaist aig Troig is Bonns nuair a tha ’ad a' feuchainn ri Gumbal-sgluidseadh. Troig and Bonns have an accident when they try to Gumblesplat.

Nuair a tha Troig is Bonns a’ feuchainn ri Gumbal-sgluidseadh, tha tubaist ann is tha iad suainte ri chèile. Feumar obrachadh còmhla ach ciamar a gheibh na caraidean air adhart leis a seo?

When Troig and Bonns try to Gumblesplat, they accidentally get entwined together. They have to work together but how will the friends get on with this?

20 days left to watch

12 minutes


Role Contributor
°Õ°ù´Ç¾±²µ/¸éì²µ³ó Iain Macrae
Bonns Mischa Macpherson
Uilidh Lana Beaton
Snorg Derek MacIntosh
Glob Calum MacKinnon
Chank Ruaraidh Munro
Executive Producer Bill Macleòid
Producer May Smart
Editor Phil Reed
Producer Mairi Macleod


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