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Spartans v Hibernian
Episode 12 of 31
Live SWPL action from Edinburgh as Spartans host city rivals Hibernian. With Micheal Steele and Emma Hunter pitchside, and commentary from Alex O’Henley.
Live SWPL action from Edinburgh as Spartans host city rivals Hibernian. We bring you all the action with Micheal Steele and Emma Hunter pitchside, while commentary comes from Alex O’Henley.
Geama beò à Dhùn Èideann le Spartans a’ cluiche na nà ibhtean Hibernian san SWPL. A h-uile car agus tionndadh beò le Micheal Steele is Emma Hunter agus an neach-aithris Ailig O’Henley.
Last on
Sun 26 Nov 2023
- Sun 26 Nov 2023 16:00