Iomairt Mh貌r Hitler
Documentary series that reveals the big picture of events in the Arctic during WWII. It shows the importance of the battles in that arena for the course of events for the war in general.
'S e sreath aithriseach de shia pr貌graman a th' ann an Sgeulachd Cogaidh na h-Artaig, a' chiad shreath eachdraidh a tha a' toirt sealladh air na thachair san Artaig tron D脿rna Cogadh. Seallaidh an sreath na rinn na M貌r Chumhachdan san Artaig tron D脿rna Cogadh agus a' bhuaidh chudromach a bh' aig na gn矛omhan sin air tionndadh an D脿rna Cogaidh.
Seallaidh an sreath ri gn矛omhan is aontaidhean d矛omhair eadar diofar bhuidhnean, a' foillseachadh na cleasan toinnte a thachair san Artaig. Bho thaobh rannsachaidh, 's e t霉s bheartach a th' anns an Artaig: bha na M貌r Chumhachdan air fad an s脿s ann an gnothaichean aig tuath gu 矛re neo-fhiosaichte. Bha an sg矛re coltach ri l脿rach uirsgeil phoilitigeach co-cheangailte ri goireasan a bha riatanach airson gn矛omhachas a' chogaidh.
Documentary series that reveals the big picture of events in the Arctic during WWII. It shows the involvement of the Great Powers in the Arctic during the conflict and highlights the importance of the battles in that arena for the course of events for the war in general.
The series dives deep into secret events and agreements between different parties, revealing the world-class game played in the Arctic. From the history research point of view, the Arctic is a gold mine - the area was a playground for a big political thriller centering around natural resources vital for the war industry.
Dubbed in Gaelic with English subtitles
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Role | Contributor |
Narrator | Angus Maclennan |
Executive Producer | Calum McConnell |
Production Manager | Ann Morrison |
Production Manager | Marion Maclean |
Editor | Katie Macdonald |