Grizzy and the Lemmings Series 3 Episodes Available now
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76/78 Grizzy and the Lemmings are pursued by a stone giant!
Tilted Lemmings
69/78 The Lemmings decide to make a giant pinball in the middle of the jungle!
Day and Night
68/78 The Lemmings discover a spherical object that can control Earth's rotation.
A Bear in the Sheepfold
59/78 A magic shepherd's crook allows Grizzy to direct the sheep according to his desires.
Musical Discord
58/78 The Lemmings meet fairies, one of which breathes life into their bagpipes.
Musical Battle
67/78 The Lemmings meet a parrot that can identically reproduce any sound.
The Bear, the Frog and the Mosquito
66/78 Retrieving data. Wait a few seconds and try to cut or copy again.
Lemming on Canvas
57/78 The Lemmings have fun painting themselves alongside the noblemen on artwork.
56/78 Grizzy unwittingly brings to life some medieval armour.
Unpractical Cabin
65/78 The Lemmings discover a card that enables them to teleport a magic closet.