Vinny & Cate Episodes Episode guide
Soggy bottoms all round! GBBO's Sandro Farmhouse is on the show tonight! WhatsApp 0 30 30 80 55 55
What do you call a medieval spy? Sir Veillance. You are welcome
Quiz Night is BACK! Charge up that big bouncy brain of yours and join in. WhatsApp the show 0 30 30 80 55 55
Our Quiz Guru 'JC' is back in the building.
Midge Ure talks music, Live Aid and Freddie Mercury. WhatsApp the show 0 30 30 80 55 55
Vinny and Cate zap your Monday with some razzle dazzle and sarcasm.
Events guide and great music. Text Vinny & Cate on 81771 (std rates apply)
What do you call a dog who meditates? Aware wolf.
Judge Rob Rinder is in session and you got FINE written all over you
Rob Rinder talks career, gardening, his new TV show & love for the Northern Irish accent.
Challenging Tuesday with Vinny & Cate. Text the duo on 81771 (Std rates apply. That short for standard)
Can a frog jump higher than a house? Of course, a house can't jump.
Young Offenders' Alex Murphy joins the show. WhatsApp Vinny & Cate on 0 30 30 80 55 55
Slap on the handcuffs and call me Monday - it's the Young Offenders takeover!
Stacey Burns is BACK to light up your life, and the weekend ahead with her events guide. WhatsApp the show 0 30 30 80 55 55
Trump your Thursday with Vinny and Dave (Cate's off on holidays. Still).
Dick & Angel Strawbridge join Vinny & Dave. WhatsApp the show on 0 30 30 80 55 55
From a French Chateau to a Randalstown grump (Vinny).
Comedian Dave Elliott is guest co-host. WhatsApp Vinny & Dave on 0 30 30 80 55 55
Your me time at tea time.
WhatsApp Vinny & Dave on 0 30 30 80 55 55. Tonight our weekly TV planner with Emer Dooris
Why does Sunday always beat Monday in arm-wrestling? Because Monday is a weak-day.
Comedian Dave Elliott is guest co-host. WhatsApp the show on 0 30 30 80 55 55
Thundering Thursday has arrived. This is your me time at tea time.
Traitor Diane takes over Dear Vinny & Cate. WhatsApp the show on 0 30 30 80 55 55
Mount your humpday, with Vinny & Cate.
Let's get QUIZZICAL - with the Tuesday night quiz with JC. Text the show on 81771, standard rates apply
Your me time at tea time. Relax, Tuesday is here and you are doing great!
Danny O'Donoghue from The Script joins us. WhatsApp a message to studio 0 30 30 80 55 55
SHOW ME THE MONDAY! Welcome to your me time at tea time.
WhatsApp the show 0 30 30 80 55 55. Tonight - Gemma Louise Bond brings you our weekend guide
Tickle me Thursday. We are almost at the weekend!
Who's been a naughty boy then? Possibly our guest tonight - comedian Chris Distefano
Chris is our guest, plus we've great music and another Dear Vinny & Cate.
Darren Kiely is our guest, plus another Challenge Tuesday
Are you ready to test your beautiful little brains? The weekly quiz is back.
American country pop legend Brett Young is in the building! Text Vinny & Cate on 81771 (std rates apply)
Shine your stetson - it's Country Legend Night!
Strap yourselves in, Vinny & Cate are LIVE from Downpatrick. Text 81771* or WhatsApp 0 3030 80 55 55. (*std rates apply)
'成人快手 Comes To Town'. Less of a license inspection threat, more of a fun set of programmes.
Phil Taggart is guest co-host with Cate Conway. Text them on 81771 (std rates apply)
Phil Taggart. Tall, brazen and from Omagh.
Comedian Ed Byrne joins us for a chat. Text Vinny & Cate on 81771 (std rates apply)
Monday. If finding gum in your hair was a day, it would be Monday.
Cate and Decky see Blue Lights. Text them on 81771 (std rates apply)
Your me time at tea time.
He's like Barra Best, but funny: Comedian Paddy Raff is in studio. Declan Wilson joins Cate as guest co-host.
Funday your Monday with Cunning Cate and Dodgy Decky.
Pop on your tassels and prepare to party! We talk Eurovision with Katrina & The Waves
Your me time at tea time.
Music legend Gabrielle joins our duo. 'Dreams can come true...' (it's from a song you muppet). Text us 81771 (std rates apply)
Welcome to Wednesday with Vinny and Cate. Prepare to mount the mid-week hump.
Quiz night is back with our Guru 'The JC' (no, not that JC). Text the show 81771 (std rates apply)
Test your brains with Vinny & Cate and their weekly Tuesday night quiz.
Cate Conway and guest co-host Declan Wilson
Have some me time at tea time.