Vinny & Cate Episodes Episode guide
Challenge Tuesday goes off the rails with Mr Motivator
Thrust and squat, now step and step, squeezeeee and breathe.
Eyebrows ahoy! Charlie Simpson from Busted
Relive your younger days with the help of the man with the best eyebrows in showbiz.
Have some me time at tea time with Vinny and Cate. Chat, music and craic.
The one with Jack Whitehall
Comedy legend Jack Whitehall drops by for a chat.
You're FIRED! Tonight's Challenge Tuesday get serious
Apprentice legend Karen Brady is the boss tonight.
Country pop superstar Breland drops by
Vinny and Cate are reunited after weeks apart. Expect lots of noise (chat) and good music.
Have some me time at tea time with Vinny and Cate. Chat, music and craic.
Have some me time at tea time with Vinny and Cate. Chat, music and craic.
The one with Dave and Anne-Marie
Comedian Dave Elliott and Anne-Marie Wallace take over the teatime slot.
Have some me time at tea time with Vinny and Cate. Chat, music and craic.
Jason Fox joins Vinny & Brooke
Special Forces soldier and Royal Marine Commando Jason Fox drops by for a chat.
Brooke Scullion co-hosts with Vinny Hurrell
Bellaghy Brooke meets Randalstown Vinny for music and craic.
Have some me time at tea time with Vinny and Cate. Chat, music and craic.
Live from Custom House Square
They've been let out of the studio.
Darren, Kirk, Andy? Actor Andy Whyment takes on Challenge Tuesday
Some ME TIME for you, on the radio.
Vinny returns and Foy Vance gets freaked out!
Vinny and Cate are reunited in time to freak out musician Foy Vance.
Have some me time at tea time with Vinny and Cate. Chat, music and craic.
Danny from the Coronas pops in for a chat and a song with Phil and Cate
Phil Taggart stands in for Vinny, and the pair welcome Danny from The Coronas.
It's Ch Ch Challenge Tuesday
Vinny's sunning himself in a Broughshane bolthole this week but he left a challenge.
Darren Matthews helps Cate and Phil plan their televisual delights for the week
Young Vinny has skipped off into the Randalstown sunset. Phil Taggart steps up.
Start your weekend NOW
The thing is, it's been a hard week & we've decided you deserve some ME TIME! Have it here
Idina Menzel (Frozen), Jono Lancaster and Kirk from Corrie
The incredible Idina Menzel talks music and rejection. Plus the mighty Jono Lancaster.
Let's Get Musical MUSICAL! (to the tune of Let's Get Physical) It's CHALLENGE TUESDAY
Vinny has been challenged to learn the flute in 30 minutes. Bit late in the summer?
Kitchen Disco comes to studio 8 with musician Sophie Ellis-Bextor
Forget it's Monday - Vinny & Cate are here to send a spark from your ars* to your elbow.
Did you know bubble wrap was originally invented as wallpaper? Now that we have your attention - listen to tonight's show
Weekend events guide. Our problem page. Great music and some tube from Randalstown.
Hump Day distractions with Vinny & Anne-Marie
Our problem page is pumping tonight with another 'Dear Vinny & Cate'.
The Tuesday Challenge has a STRICTLY COME DANCING makeover
Never mind two left feet, these two have zero 'Cha-cha' in their Tangos.
Musician Zak Abel talks about the mystery fingers
Welcome to your Monday. Sit back, and relax. Vinny & Anne-Marie are here to help.
Gemma Louise Bond is BACK!
Limber up for the weekend as it's almost here! We bring you music, craic and chat.
Adrienneeee!!!!! (Rocky reference) Mick and Jamie Conlon join the team
Boxing legends Mick and Jamie are in studio. Plus music and 'Dear Vinny & Cate'.