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An Luchag Shneachda/The Snow Mouse

Episode 20 of 26

Célestine is preparing drawings for Mandarine's birthday but doesn't have anymore paint.

Tha Ealasaid a dèanamh dhealbhan airson co-là-breith Nellidh ach chan eil an còrr peant air fhàgail. Tha an t-acras air Oscar ach chan eil sgillinn ruadh aige. Tha an dithis a’ coinneachadh ri cuideigin a dh’ionnsaicheas tòrr dhaibh mun deidhinn fhèin agus mu dhaoin’ eile.

Célestine is preparing drawings for Mandarine's birthday but doesn't have anymore paint. Ernest is hungry but completely broke! However they meet someone that teaches the pair a lot about themselves and others.

27 days left to watch

12 minutes


Role Contributor
Various David Walker
Various Linda MacLeod
Various Kim Carnie
Various Calum MacDonald
Various Lana Pheutan
Producer Linda MacLeod
Executive Producer Bill Macleòid
Editor Chas Chalmers
Production Company Solus Productions


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