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Tha Pòl feumach air còta ùr is gu fortanach tha fios aig Granaidh far am faigh e fear. Dave needs a new coat and luckily Gran knows of one going spare.

Tha Pòl feumach air còta ùr is gu fortanach tha fios aig Granaidh far am faigh e fear. Tha e ga lorg ri taobh biona sgudail ann an cuaraidh, is goirid às a dhèidh chìthear gun deach lìnigeadh a’ chòta seo a dhèanamh nas motha is nas motha thar nam bliadhnaichean. Chan fhada gus a bheil Pòl steigte na bhroinn…

Dave needs a new coat and luckily Gran knows of one going spare. But it lives by a bin in a quarry, and we soon find out that the lining of this coat has been stretched beyond recognition over the years. It isn’t long before Dave is stuck inside it...

24 days left to watch

11 minutes


Role Contributor
Various David Walker
Various Linda MacLeod
Various Eoghan MacDonald
Various Ellen Macdonald
Various Kathleen MacInnes
Various Carina MacLeod
Producer Linda MacLeod
Executive Producer Bill MacLeod
Editor Chas Chalmers
Production Company Solus Productions


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