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Am Bard
Episode 28 of 39
Tha Pompon 's Gabi ri b脿rdachd do She貌ras ach tha feum air sti霉ireadh bho Mhgr. B矛obhair. Pompon and Gabi prepare a poem for George but guidance is needed from Mr Beaver.
Nuair a tha athair Pompon a' cluinntinn na sgr矛obh Mgr. B矛obhair air a shon, tha e an uairsin ri faighneachd am faod e 猫isteachd ris na sgr矛obh Pompon fh猫in 'son Lan nan Athair. Tha Se貌rsa air a dh貌igh glan le oidhirp Pompon.
When Pompon's father hears what Mr Beaver has written for him, he then asks if he can hear Pompon's poetry for Father's Day. George is delighted with Pompon's effort.
Last on
Sat 9 Apr 2022