Featuring an appearance by Blue Rose Code, a band that blends Celtic soul, jazz, and rock to winning effect.
Ceòl dùthchasach agus traidiseanta air a lìbhrigeadh le Mà iri Anna NicUalraig. Chaidh Seirm Celtic Connections a’ chlà radh ann an 2022 agus tha am prògram mu dheireadh seo a’ foillseachadh iomadachd na fèise tro thaisbeanaidhean le Blue Rose Code, Brìghde Chaimbeul & Fin Moore, agus Fara.
Traditional music show presented by Mary Ann Kennedy. Seirm Celtic Connections was filmed in 2022 and this final episode reflects the diversity of the festival. Appearances by Blue Rose Code, Brìghde Chaimbeul & Fin Moore, and Fara.
Chaidh am prògram mu dheireadh anns an t-sreath Seirm Celtic Connections a’ chlà radh aig à m na fèise 2022 ann an ionad Platform, ann an Glaschu far an do chuir Mà iri Anna NicUalraig failte air measgachadh farsaing de luchd-ciùil. Nam measg agus a’ nochdadh airson an dà rna turas bidh Blue Rose Code, còmhlan a tha a’ cruthachadh measgachadh iongantach de cheòl soul Ceilteach, jazz, agus rock. Tha na taisbeanaidhean cumhachdach aig a’ chòmhlan a’ tighinn bhon sgrìobhaiche-òran Ross Wilson a tha aig cridhe a’ chomhlain agus a’ cur a spionnadh gu lèir dhan na h-orain.
Chuireadh à rd-ùrlar sam bith fà ilte air Fara, comhlan le freuman ciùil Arcach ach a tha air soirbheachadh ann an iomadh ionad-ciuil eadar Taigh-òsta Stromness agus Talla Rìoghail Albert. Anns a’ phrògram seo bidh an ceathrar - Jeanna Leslie, Catriona Price, Kristin Harvey agus Rory Matheson – a’ taisbeanadh ciùil a tha air luchd-leantainn a chosnadh dhaibh air feadh an t-saoghail.
A’ gabhail pà irt cuideachd, bidh am pìobaire Brìghde Chaimbeul a tha stèidhichte ann an Beul Feirste agus a tha air sradagan a chur tro shaoghal na pìobireachd le stoidhle agus co-obrachaidhean ùr-ghnà thach. Nochdadh Brìghde còmhla ri Fin Moore fear a bhios a’ cluich agus a’ dèanamh ionnsramaidean, agus a th’ air a bhith na neach-taic do Bhrìghde fad iomadh bliadhna.
The final episode of Seirm Celtic Connections was filmed in 2022 during the festival in Platform, Glasgow. Presenter Mary Ann Kennedy welcomes a diverse cast list of musicians, including a second appearance by Blue Rose Code, a band that blends Celtic soul, jazz, and rock to winning effect. The focus of the band, songwriter Ross Wilson, channels energy into the songs resulting in transcendental performances.
A welcome addition to any stage, the popular Fara have eclipsed their Orcadian musical roots and have played in venues everywhere, from the Stromness Hotel to the Royal Albert Hall. Here, the quartet – Jeanna Leslie, Catriona Price, Kristin Harvey and Rory Matheson – showcase music that has won them a following around the world.
Also on the show is Belfast-based musician Brìghde Chaimbeul, who has set the piping world alight with her innovative style and collaborations. Here Brìghde appears with Fin Moore, the musician and instrument maker, and an early mentor of Brìghde.
In Gaelic with English subtitles.
Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Mary Ann Kennedy |
Executive Producer | Alasdair MacCuish |
Producer | Ewan Duncan |
Director | John Smith |
Producer | Iain MacLeod |
- Sat 19 Mar 2022 21:00
- Fri 25 Mar 2022 23:00
- Sat 11 Feb 2023 21:00
- Fri 17 Feb 2023 21:00
- Saturday 21:00
- Sunday 23:00
- Tomorrow 23:00