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Episode 2

Gregor MacLeod takes on the classics shortbread and marmalade. Grannie has five recipes for shortbread alone, but Gregor has to pick just one.

Gregor MacLeod inherited his grannie’s old cookery book. In it she had written down over 50 recipes by hand and Gregor has set himself the challenge of cooking his way through them.

He takes on the classics shortbread and marmalade. Grannie has five recipes for shortbread alone but Gregor has to pick one. And the instructions for marmalade are sparing, so in search of advice he visits his neighbour, a prize-winning marmalade maker.

A real challenge is grannie’s recipe for oxtail stew. He visits another neighbour, a crofter, who happens to have one in the freezer and finds out more about this cut of meat and how to cook it. And guess who is coming to tea to taste the finished stew?

For pudding, grannie’s recipe for Bakewell tart is on the menu but this time with Gregor’s 21st century twist using the marmalade he made before.

Fhuair Griogar MacLeòid seann leabhar còcaireachd a sheanmhair mar dhìleab: comhairle na làmh-sgrìobhaidh fhèin air còrr is lethcheud dinnear is greim blasta a dhèanamh. Tha Griogar a’ cur roimhe a’ dol tron a leabhar a’ feuchainn orra.

Sa phrògram seo tha e a’ cumail ri biadh as aithne dhuinn uile, aran goirid agus marmailead. Bha còig dòighean aig granaidh ar aran-goirid a dhèanamh ach feumaidh Griogar aon a thaghadh. Chan eil cus comhairle aice dha mun mharmailead, is tha sin ga chur a shireadh beachd air nàbaidh, a ghlèidh duaisean air a shon.

Fìor annas do Ghriogar, se na bh’ aice ri ràdh mu earball mairt a bhruich. Ach tha nàbaidh eile le fear reòdhta a-staigh, agus gheibh Griogar barrachd comhairle air dè nì e leis. Agus saoil cò thig ga fheuchainn nuair a bhios e bruich?
Airson mìlsean, tha tort Bakewell gu bhi aige agus cuiridh e a dhreach fhèin air le marmailead na luib.

In Gaelic with English subtitles.

29 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Gregor Macleod
Director Ramsay MacMahon
