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An T-Iasgair
Episode 20 of 39
Tha Se貌ras, athair Pompon, a' toirt leasan iasgaich do Phompon. Pompon's father Se貌ras teaches Pompon how to fish.
An d猫idh 霉ine, tha piseach mh貌r a' tighinn air na sgilean iasgaich aig Pompon ach gu m矛-fhortanach, nuair a ghlacas e iasg dha-r矛ribh, feumar a chur air ais dhan uisge leis gu bheil e fada ro bheag 'son ithe.
Pompon's fishing skills improve greatly but when he catches a proper fish, it has to be returned to the water as it is far too small to eat.
Last on
Sat 12 Feb 2022