Episode 10
Annabel Maclennan is in Argyll investigating the impact of repeated road closures on the A83 on the local community. Andrew Mackinnon reports on the effect of social media on body image.
Tha Annabel NicIllFhinnein ann an Earra-Ghà idheal a’ rannsachadh a‘ bhuaidh a th’aig dùnaidhean rathaid aig an Rest and Be Thankful air an A83 air coimhearsnachdan san sgìre. Is tric tha maoimtean-talmhainn a’ dùnadh an rathaid agus tha iadsan a tha ga chleachdadh tric ag iarraidh fuasgladh maireannach dhan trioblaid seo. Cuideachd sa phrògram bith Anndra MacFhionghain a’ coimhead air buaidh nam meadhanan sòisealta air iomhaigh bothaig agus a’ faighneachd am bu chòir barrachd a dhèanamh gus luchd-cleachdaidh a dhìon.
Annabel Maclennan is in Argyll investigating the impact of repeated road closures on the A83 on the local community. Landslides have closed the road many times over the years and regular users are now demanding a permanent solution to the problem. Andrew Mackinnon reports on the effect of social media on body image and if more should be done to protect users from its often harmful influence.
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Rest and Be Thankful

Rest and Be Thankful

ÃŒomaigh bodhaig

Body image

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