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Mathan Miorbhaileach
Episode 15 of 39
Ged a tha Pompon na ghaisgeach, tha eagal aige bho bhith faighinn 矛nean air an gearradh. Although Pompon is heroic, he is afraid when it comes to having his nails cut.
Chan fhada gus a bheil Pompon ri tuigs' nach t猫id aige air m矛orbhailtean m貌ra a dh猫anamh ma tha 矛nean ro fhad' air. Mar sin, tha mh脿thair a' gearradh 矛nean 's tha Pompon ri tuigs' nach fheum e 矛nean fada 'son a bhith gaisgeil.
Pompon soon realises that he cannot create wonders if his nails are too long.Therefore, his mother cuts his nails and Pompon realises that long nails aren't necessary if you want to be a hero.
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Sat 8 Jan 2022