Episode 8
Andrew MacKinnon reports on the housing crisis experienced by many returning students. A shortage of private rented accommodation has forced some to stay with friends or commute long distances.
Tha Anndra MacFhionghain a’ rannsachadh an trioblaid a th’air a’ bhith aig mòran de dh’oileanaich gus à iteachan fuirich a lorg is gainead à iteachan còmhnaidh air mhà l a’ ciallachadh gu bheil cuid air a bhith a’ fuireach còmhla ri caraidean neo aig astar mòr bhon na campasan aca. Agus tha Annabel NicIllFhinnein ann an Sealtainn a’ coimhead air an t-iarrtas an sin airson barrachd fèin-riaghlaidh airson cùisean poilitigeach agus ionmhasail.
Andrew MacKinnon reports on the housing crisis experienced by many returning students this year. A shortage of private rented accommodation has forced some to stay with friends or commute long distances to campuses. And Annabel Maclennan is in Shetland investigating demands for greater political and financial self-determination for the islands.
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Taigheadas do dh'oileanaich

Tha Anndra MacFhionghain a' rannsachadh na cùis, agus a' bruidhinn ri oileanaich a tha air a bhith a' strì gus à ite-fuirich a lorg airson grunn mhìosan. Cluinnidh sinn cuideachd bho na h-oilthighean fhèin, agus bho Riaghaltas na h-Alba, mu na tha iadsan a' dèanamh gus a' chùis a rèiteach.
Student housing

Andrew MacKinnon discusses the issue with some students who have struggled to find somewhere to live for many months, and we hear responses from the universities, and from the Scottish Government, about what they have done to alleviate the problem.


Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Andrew MacKinnon |
- Thu 23 Dec 2021 20:30
- Sun 9 Jan 2022 19:00
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