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Spartans v Rangers
Spartans take on Rangers in the final round of fixtures before the New Year in the SWPL1. Live coverage with presenter Calum MacAulay and commentator Alex O’Henley.
San sreath de gheamaichean mu dheireadh ron a’ bhliadhn’ ùr tha Spartans a’ dol an aghaidh Rangers ann am Prìomh Lìg nam Ban. An geama beò air ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ ALBA còmhla ri preasantair Calum MacAmhalaidh le aithris bho Ailig O’Henley.
Spartans take on Rangers in the final round of fixtures before the New Year in the SWPL1. Live coverage on ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ ALBA with presenter Calum MacAulay and commentator Alex O’Henley.
Last on
Sun 12 Dec 2021
- Sun 12 Dec 2021 16:00