Episode 4
Annabel Maclennan reports on concerns about the high price of crofts in Scotland. Young people especially are finding it increasingly difficult to obtain working crofts.
Tha Annabel NicIllFhinnein a’ rannsachadh suidheachadh croitearachd ann an Alba is draghan air nochdadh mu phrìsean à rd chroitean. Tha duilgheadasan aig daoine òga gu h-à raid sealbh fhaighinn air croit airson obrachadh agus tha Caidreachas Croitearachd na h-Alba a‘ rabhadh gun tèid croitearachd a-mach à bith mur a tig leasachadh.
Annabel Maclennan reports on concerns about the high price of crofts in Scotland. Young people especially are finding it increasingly difficult to obtain working crofts. The Scottish Crofting Federation has warned that, unless measures are taken, the future of crofting is in jeopardy.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
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