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The lads love Mexican food and prepare a few of their own favourites, including Fish Tacos and Cochinita Pibil.

’S fìor thoil le na seòid biadh à Meagsago. Anns a’ phrògram seo, tha Ruaraidh a’ deasachadh Burrito Bracaist dìreach sònraichte agus Tacos Èisg. Tha barrachd oidhirp a dhìth bho Ùisdean agus esan a’ dèanamh Cochinita Pibil – feòil-mhuice bhrìghte, air a ròstadh ann an duilleagan banana le pònairean air an ath-fraidhigeadh. Tha e cuideachd a’ cruthachadh deoch Mojita Granita agus mìlsean spìsreach air a dhèanamh le teòclaid agus tiolaidh.

The lads love Mexican food so Roddy prepares a sumptuous Breakfast Burrito and Fish Tacos. Uisdean gets involved by preparing a Cochinita Pibil – a marinated roasted pork cooked in banana leaves and served with refried beans. He constructs a Mojita Granita drink and finishes off with a spicy Chilli and Chocolate dessert.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

Air a chraoladh

DiL 25 Dàmh 2021 23:30

Prògram 5 (Sreath 6)

Prògram 5 (Sreath 6)


4-5 Isbeanan feòil-mhuic (leis a’ chraiceann air a thoirt dheth)
4 uighean
Bloigh paprika smocte
Càise Monterey Jack no Gruyere, air a bhleith
Piobar dubh

  • Teasaich an ola ann am pana. Cuir feòil nan isbeanan ris agus bris sìos gus a bheil e bruich.
  • Fàg gu aon taobh.
  • Ann am bobhla, buail na h-uighean leis a’ phaprika agus seàsan le salann agus piobar.
  • Cuir na h-uighean dhan aon phàna san deach na h-isbeanan a bhruich agus measgaich gus a bheil iad a’ samhlachadh uighean buailte.
  • Nuair a tha sin bruich, cuir ann am bobhla glan iad.
  • Sgaoil tortilla air truinnsear agus cuir beagan salsa, isbean agus uighean air a’ mhuin le beagan dhen chaise. Paisg cliathaichean an tortilla thairis air na than a bhroinn agus dèan cinnteach nach eil tuill sam bith ann.
  • Cuir druthag ola dhan aon phana.
  • Cuir na burritos dhan phana agus fraidhig gus an tig dath òr air gach taobh.
  • Cuir air truinnsear agus geàrr am burrito ann an dà leth.


4-5 Skinned pork sausages
4 Eggs
Pinch smoked paprika
Monteray Jack or Gruyere cheese, grated.
Black pepper

  • Heat oil in a frying pan, add sausage meet and break the meat down, until they are cooked through.
  • Set aside in a bowl when cooked.
  • In another bowl, beat the eggs and paprika, season with salt and pepper.
  • Pour the egg mixture into the same pan that you fried the sausages, and mix to a scrambled consistency.
  • When cooked through, put the eggs in a bow.
  • Lay out a tortilla and spoon a bit of salsa, sausage egg on the tortilla and top with grated cheese. Fold the sides of the tortilla over the filling and tuck the edges under, making sure they are compact.
  • Heat a splash more oil into the same frying pan.
  • Place the burritos on the frying pan and heat until golden on each side.
  • Place on a place and cut the burrito in half to serve.


2 abhocàdo, air ghearradh
2 tomàto, air a ghearradh
2 chlòbh creamh, pronn
1 sgalaid mòr, air a ghearradh gu mìn
1 tiolaidh dearg
1 spàinn-bheag cumain
1 bad coireaman, air a ghearradh
Sùgh 1 lìm

  • Cuir an abhocàdo, tomàto, sgalaid, creamh, tiolaidh, sùgh lìm, cumain agus an coireamain ann am bòbhla agus measgaich. Fàg gu aon taobh.


2 Avocado, cubed
2 Tomato, cubed
2 Garlic cloves, crushed
1 large Shallots, finely chopped
1 Red Chilli
1 tsp Cumin
1 bunch Coriander, chopped
Juice of 1 lime

  • In bowl put avocado, tomatoes, shallot, garlic, chilli, lime juice, cumin, coriander and mix together. Set aside.


Gualainn feòil-mhuice
Bad choireamain
Duilleag banana airson còcaireachd (ma thogras sibh)
Uachdar goirt
Pearsail airson sgeadachadh


Pork shoulder
Coriander bunch
Banana leaf for cooking (optional)
Sour cream to serve
Parsley to garnish


2 spàinn-bheag sìol cumain
2 spàinn-bheag sìol coramain
2 spàinn-bheag eiteanan piobair
2 spàinn-bheag allspice
10 clòbhan creamh
1 spàinn-bheag sìol achiote
1 spàinn-bheag oragan
1-2 tiolaidh Scotch Bonnet leis an t-sìol air a thoirt às, air a ghearradh
Sùgh 4 orainsearan Seville, no sùgh 2 orainsear, ½ seadag agus 1 liomaid.

  • Pronn an t-sìol agus na h-eiteanan piobair ann am pestle & mortar.
  • Cuir na spìosran gu lèir ann an inneal-bìdh le druthag bheag dhen t-sùgh agus bleith gus am bith e na thaois. Cuir barrachd sùgh na mheasg beag air bheag, cuide ri beagan dhen rùsg orainsear.
  • Cuir an fheòil-mhuice ann am bòbhla mòr, a’ dòirteadh beagan dhen bhrìgheachadh dhan bhòbhla an toiseach.
  • Dèan gearraidhean domhainn san fheòil agus dòirt am brìgheachadh thairis air, ga shuathadh a-steach dhan fheòil.
  • Còmhdaich le foidhle.
  • Fàg san fhuaradair fad na h-oidhche, no airson co-dhiù 4 uairean a thìde.
  • Às dèidh dhan fheòil a bhith air a bhrìgheachadh, cuir ann an soitheach mòr casserole. Paisg an duilleag banana mu thimcheall air, ma thathas ga chleachdadh.
  • Còmhdaich dà thuras le foidhle.
  • Cuir mullach air an t-soitheach agus ròst san àmhainn airson co-dhiù 3 uairean a thìde aig 150C.
  • Às dèidh 3 uairean a thìde, thoir an fheòil-mhuice às an t-soitheach agus às na duilleagan banana.
  • Cùm sùgh na feòla.
  • Stiall an fheòil far na cnàimh agus cuir ann am bòbhla.
  • Dòirt sùgh sam bith bhon fheòil thairis air an fheòil.
  • Fraidhig na sligean taco agus lìon an taco leis an fheòil, a’ cur uachdar goirt air a’ mhuin agus sgeadaich leis a’ phearsail. Gabh le pònairean pinto ath-fraighte.


2 tsp cumin seeds
2 tsp coriander seeds
2 tsp black peppercorns
2 tsp allspice
10 cloves garlic
2 tsp achiote seeds
1 tsp oregano
1 – 2 seeded and chopped Scotch Bonnet chilies
4 Seville oranges, juiced or 2 oranges, ½ grapefruit & 1 lemon, juiced.

  • Pound the seeds and peppercorns in the pestle and mortar.
  • Put all the spices into food processor with a splash of the juice and whizz to a paste, adding more juice in stages, along with a little of the orange zest.
  • Put the pork into a large bowl, pouring a little of the marinade into the bowl first.
  • Make deep cuts into the pork and pour the marinade over the pork, making sure you rub it well into the meat.
  • Cover with foil.
  • Marinade in the fridge overnight, or for at least 4 hours.
  • Once overnight in the marinade, place the pork in a large casserole dish. Wrap in the banana leaf, if you opt to use banana leaf to cook.
  • Cover with a double layer of foil
  • Place the lid on the dish and cook in the pre-heated oven for at least 3 hours at 150 degrees.
  • After the 3 hours, remove the pork from the pot and banana skins.
  • Reserve the juices.
  • Tear the meat off the bone and shred it in a bowl.
  • Pour any reserved pan juices over the shredded meat.
  • Deep fry taco shells and build the taco with the pork, top with sour cream and garnish with parsley. Serve with refried pinto beans.


1 cnogan pònairean pinto, air an sìoltachadh agus air an nighe
1 tiolaidh habanero
1 uinnean dearg, air a shliseadh gu mìn

  • Fraidhig an t-uinnean ann am pana leis an tiolaidh agus an creamh.
  • Cuir na pònairean na mheasg agus pronn.


1 tin of pinto beans, washed and drained
1 habanero chilli
1 red onion, finely sliced

  • Fry onions in a pan along with chilli & garlic.
  • Add the beans and mash together.


Filead trosg
Abhocàdo, air ghearradh gu mìn
Càl geal, air a bhleith

  • Geàrr an trosg na phìosan mòra.
  • Seàsan le salann.
  • Fàg gu aon taobh.
  • Cuir an trosg san taois agus fraidhig gus am bi dath òr air.
  • Drèanaig an ola le bhith ga chur air pàipear-cidsin.


Fillet of cod
Tortilla wraps
Avocado, finely chopped
White cabbage, shredded

  • Cut the cod into large chunks.
  • Season with salt.
  • Set aside.
  • Dip the fish in the batter and deep fry to a golden colour and the batter is crisp. (Batter recipe below.)
  • Drain the oil off by placing on kitchen paper.


50g flùr plèan
75ml leann Meagsagach
Bloigh pùdar-bèicearachd
Bloigh paprika smocte
Bloidh salann
Bloigh piobar dubh

  • Buail am flùr agus an leann còmhla gus a bheil e na thaois lom.
  • Seàsann le salann agus piobar.
  • Cuir am paprika ris agus cùm a’ dol a bhith ga bhualadh, a’ dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil e mìn.


50g plain flour
75ml Mexican beer
Pinch baking powder
Pinch smoked paprika
Pinch salt
Pinch black pepper

  • Whisk flour and beer together to a thin consistency.
  • Season with salt and pepper.
  • Add smoked paprika and continue to whisk, making sure it’s a smooth consistency.


Sùgh 1 lìm
½ uinnean dearg, air a ghearradh gu mìn
1 tomàto, air a ghearradh gu mìn
1 tiolaidh, air a ghearradh gu mìn (leis an t-sìol)
Bad choireamain, air a ghearradh gu mìn

  • Measgaich na gritheidean le chèile ann am bobhla.

Juice of 1 lime
½ red onion, finely diced
1 tomato, finely diced
1 chilli, finely chopped with seeds
Bunch of coriander, finely chopped

  • Mix ingredients in a bowl.


An dà chùid co-ionnan de mhayonnaise agus uachdar goirt
Bloigh sabhs tabasco
Bloigh paprika smocte
Measgaich le chèile.

  • Dèan an taco le bhith a’ blathachadh an tortilla air pana tioram.
  • Cuir air truinnsear e agus lìon an taco.
  • Tòisich le bhith a’ sgaoileadh beagan dhen mhayonnaise chipotle air, a’ cur a’ chàl gheal air a’ mhuin.
  • Cuir làn a spàinn de shalsa air a’ chàl, cuide ris an abhocàdo.
  • Cuir aon pìos iasg air a’ mhuin le beagan a bharrachd dhen mhayonnaise chipotle air a’ mhuin.


Equal measures of Mayonnaise and Sour cream
Dash of tabasco sauce
Pinch of smoked paprika
Mix together.

  • Make the taco by warming a tortilla wrap on a dry frying pan.
  • Transfer to a dish and build your taco.
  • Begin by spreading a little chipotle mayonnaise on to the tortilla, adding shredded white cabbage.
  • Spoon some of the salsa on top along with chopped avocado.
  • Place one piece of fish on top and spoon some more of the chipotle mayonnaise on top, before serving.


Meal-bhuc uisge, air a ghearradh, leis an t-sìol air a thoirt às
150ml siorap stoc
Bad mionnt, air a ghearradh gu mìn
Druthag Triple Sec
Druthag Tequila


Seeded, cubed watermelon
150 ml stock syrup
Bunch of mint, finely chopped
Splash Triple Sec
Splash Tequila


300g siùcar castair
150ml bùrn
Leagh an t-siùcar sa bhùirn, air teas ìseal.

  • Bleith a’ mheal-bhuc uisge agus am mionnt ann an inneal-bìdh.
  • Cuir tro shìoltachan.
  • Cuir an Triple Sec agus an tequila ris.
  • Cuir an t-siorap ris.
  • Cuir am bobhla dhan reothadair.
  • Às dèidh dà uair a thìde, thoir am bobhla às an reothadair agus bris na than a bhroinn le forc.
  • Dèan seo turas no dhà tron chòir dhen latha.


300g caster sugar
150ml water
Dissolve the sugar in the water, over a low heat.

  • Whizz the watermelon and mint together in blender.
  • Sieve it into a bowl.
  • Add the Triple Sec and Tequila.
  • Add the stock syrup.
  • Transfer the bowl to the freezer.
  • After 2 hours, remove from the freezer and break it up with a fork.
  • Repeat the process a couple of times throughout the day.


75g ìm gun shalainn
140g dàileagan le na clachan air an toirt às, air an gearradh
50g siorap maplais
150g siùcar castair
2 spàinn-mhòr ruma
1 tiolaidh dearg, leis an t-sìol air a thoirt às, air a ghearradh gu mìn
50g cnothan-almoin, air an gearradh nan slisean agus air an tostadh
Cèis phastraidh ro-dhèanta

  • Leagh an t-ìm agus cuir an còrr dhen na gritheidean dhan phana. Measgaich an-dràsta ’s a-rithist.
  • Leig leis fuarachadh agus cuir dhan chèis phastraidh ro-dhèanta.
  • Cuir ganache air a’ mhuin.
  • Cuir dhan fhuaradair gus leigeil leis fàs nas tighe.


75g unsalted butter
140g stoned dates, roughly chopped
50g maple syrup
150g caster sugar
2 tbsp rum
1 red chilli, deseeded and finely chopped
50g almonds, cut into slivers and toasted
Ready made pastry casing.

  • Melt the butter and add the other ingredients into the pan. Allow to mix together, stirring occasionally.
  • Allow to cool and transfer the mixture in a pastry casing.
  • Top with the ganache.
  • Transfer to fridge to allow it to set.


200g teòclaid dorch, air a ghearradh
300ml uachdar dùbailte
2 spàinn-mhòr siùcar castair òir

  • Cuir an teòclaid ann am bobhla measgachaidh.
  • Dòirt an t-uachdar ann am pana leis an t-siùcar agus leig leis goil air a shocair, ga mheasgachadh fad na h-ùine gus an leagh an t-siùcar. Thoir chun a’ ghoil agus thoir far an teas e sa bhad agus dòirt thairis air an teòclaid e agus buail gus a bheil coltas mìn agus gleansach air. Cleachd sa bhad no leig leis fuarachadh gus a bheil e beagan nas tìghe gus a sgaoileadh air an tart.


200g dark chocolate, roughly chopped
300ml double cream
2 tbsp golden caster sugar

  • Put the chocolate in a mixing bowl.
  • Pour the cream into a saucepan with the sugar and bring to a simmer, stirring continuously until the sugar is melted. Bring to the boil, then quickly remove from the heat, pour over the chocolate and whisk until smooth and glossy. Use straight away or leave to cool down a little until thick enough to spread on the tart.