Cuirm nan Coisir
Cuirm nan Còisir le cothrom air roghainn òran nan còisirean a chluinntinn. An opportunity to hear Gaelic choirs’ favourite choice of songs.
Craoladh beò bho thaisbeanadh de thà lant ciùil còisir aig Mòd Nà iseanta Rìoghail ann an Inbhir Nis. Tha còisirean Gà idhlig air feadh na dùthcha là n de thà lant ciùil agus às aonais farpaisean còisir am-bliadhna, seo an cothrom cuid de na h-òrain as fheà rr le còisirean a chluinntinn. Gheibh gach còisir cothrom raon de na h-òrain aca a sheinn a’ toirt a-steach seinn Caraid is Ceathrar. Am measg nan còisirean a bhios a’ gabhail pà irt tha Na Lochan, Inbhir Nis, Inbhir Narann, Luirg, Muile, Còmhghall agus Buidheann Luaidh Mnathan Bhà ideanach.
Gaelic choirs throughout the country are packed with musical talent and with no choir competitions this year, there is an opportunity to hear choirs’ favourite choice of songs. From the Royal National Mod in Inverness, live coverage of a special showcase of choral musical talent. Each choir will be given their moment to showcase their rich repertoire, including some duets and quartets. Choirs from Lochs, Inverness, Nairn, Lairg, Mull, Cowal and the Badenoch Ladies Walking Group are among those taking part.
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