Episode 2
The unique slave trade in black Africans from the 7th to the 20th century. Malairt nan trà illean dubha Afraganach eadar an 7mh 's an 20mh linn.
1375 – 1620: For all the gold of the world.
At the end of the Middle Ages, Europe opened up to the world and discovered that it was at the margins of the main area of wealth generation on the planet: Africa. The Portuguese Conquistadores were the first to set out to conquer Africa. They went to get gold, and came back with hundreds of thousands of captives to sell in Europe. Between the African coasts, Brazil and their trading posts, the Portuguese set up the first colonies entirely populated by slaves. Off the coast of Gabon, the island of São Tomé became the testing ground for the most profitable exploitation system ever to exist: the sugar plantation...
1375 – 1620: Airson òr an t-saoghail air fad.
Aig deireadh nam Meadhan Aoisean, nuair a dh'fhosgail dorsan an Roinn Eòrpa dhan t-saoghal mhòr thuig iad gu robh iad air iomall a' phrìomh à ite air thalamh airson saibhreas a chruthachadh: Afraga. B' iad Conquistadores Phortagail a' chiad fheadhainn a chur romhpa Afraga a chur fo smachd. Chaidh iad a-mach air tòir òr is thill iad leis na ceudan mhìltean de thrà illean airson an reic san Roinn Eòrpa. Eadar cladaichean Afraga, Braisil agus na là raich mhalairt aca, stèidhich Portagail a' chiad cholonaidhean de thrà illean a-mhà in. Far costa Gabon, air eilean São Tomé, chaidh an siostam dubh-shaothrach a bu prothaidiche riamh fheuchainn: am planntachas siùcair...
Dubbed in Gaelic with English subtitles
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