Episode 2
Fiona NicChoinnich le taghadh de chòmhlain is sheinneadairean a chluichd aig an fhèis!
Fiona MacKenzie presents performances from the TRNSMT 2021 festival.
Bheir Fiona NicChoinnich fà ilte ‘s furan dhuibh do shealladh farsaing air Fèis TRNSMT 2021 le sùil air cuid de na còmhlain iongantach bho na trì latha den fhèis. Fhuair na còmhlain-ciùil uile fà ilte mhòr bhon luchd-leantainn ann an Lèanag Ghlaschu le suas ri 50,000 an là thair ag èisteachd gu sunndach ri grunn òrain ainmeil. Tha an taghadh inntinneach seo a’ toirt cothrom tlachd fhaighinn bhon fhèis agus am measg nam prìomh chòmhlain agus sheinneadairean cluinnear Liam Gallagher, Snow Patrol, Courteeners, Primal Scream, Sam Fender, Becky Hill, Twin Atlantic, Amy MacDonald, Vistas, Sea Girls, YXNG Bane, Blossoms, Holly Humberstone agus Keane.
Fiona MacKenzie presents coverage from TRNSMT 2021 showcasing some of the best moments from the three days of the music festival held at Glasgow Green. Highlights will include a selection of the top bands and singers who performed on the Main Stage or King Tut’s stage. They were all well received by the 50,000 fans in attendance at Glasgow Green who enjoyed listening to a number of well-known songs. This thrilling compilation offers an opportunity to enjoy the magic of TRNSMT 2021 with songs from Liam Gallagher, Snow Patrol, Courteeners, Primal Scream, Sam Fender, Becky Hill, Twin Atlantic, Amy MacDonald, Vistas, Sea Girls, YXNG Bane, Blossoms, Holly Humberstone and Keane.
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- Sat 25 Sep 2021 21:00
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