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Episode 1

Episode 1 of 2

Fiona NicChoinnich le blas bhon chiad latha aig an fhèis. Fiona Mackenzie presents a flavour from the first day of the festival.

Bheir Fiona NicChoinnich fàilte is furan dhuibh do shealladh farsaing air Fèis TRNSMT le sùil air na bhios an gnìomh thairis air dà latha bhon Àrd-làir agus làr King Tut’s. Bidh an fhèis a’ tachairt a-rithist às deidh dà bhliadhna le dùil ri sluagh gach latha aig an fhèis bhliadhnail a bhios ga cumail ann an Glaschu agus bidh ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ ALBA a’ tairgsinn sealladh farsaing de chòmhlain agus seinneadairean. Bidh Fiona gar stiùireadh tron tachartas ciùil inntinneach seo. Fiona Mackenzie introduces a wonderful array of perfomances form the TRNSMT festival held in Glasgow Green in Glasgow. She hosts live coverage spread across two nights and featuring select performers from the Main Stage and King Tut’s Stage. Fiona will be offering audiences the magic of TRNSMT as the most memorable moments are captured. She will present highlight packages of the best performances from the first night of the 2021 TRNSMT festival.

55 minutes

Last on

Fri 10 Sep 2021 21:00

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