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An Litir Bheag 839

Litir Bheag na seachdain sa le Ruairidh MacIlleathain. Litir àireamh 839. Roddy Maclean is back with this week's short letter for Gàidhlig learners.

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Sun 13 Jun 2021 16:00


An Litir Bheag 839

An t-seachdain sa chaidh, bha mi ag innse dhuibh mar a bhios tu a’ faighneachd de chuideigin mar a tha iad, an àite a bhith ag ràdh, ‘Ciamar a tha thu?’ Anns an Litir seo, bheir mi sùil air diofar dhòighean airson cheerio a ràdh.Ìý

Bidh sibh eòlach gu leòr air ‘°Õì´Ç°ù²¹¾±»å³ó’. Tha sin cumanta anns an latha an-diugh. Bidh daoine ag ràdh, ‘°Õì´Ç°ù²¹¾±»å³ó an-dràsta.’ Cheerio just now. °Õì´Ç°ù²¹¾±»å³ó an-dràsta. Nam biodh tu ag iarraidh air pàiste ‘cheerio’ a ràdh, can, ri a sheanmhair, dh’fhaodadh tu seo a ràdh ris: ‘Can tìoraidh ri do sheanmhair’. Can tìoraidh ri do sheanmhair.Ìý

‘Mar sin leat’. Tha sin a’ ciallachadh ‘cheerio’. Mar sin leat an-dràsta. Cheerio just now.

‘Slàn leat’. Ma bhios tu a’ fàgail slàn aig cuideigin, tha thu a’ cantainn ‘cheerio’ riutha. Slàn leat. Nam biodh tu ag iarraidh air pàiste ‘cheerio’ a ràdh ri a sheanair dh’fhaodadh tu seo a ràdh ris: ‘Fàg slàn aig do sheanair’.

Tha soraidh cuideachd a’ ciallachadh cheerio no farewell. ‘Soraidh leat’ farewell to you. Soraidh leat. ‘Fàg soraidh aig do sheanmhair’ say farewell to your grandmother.

Nam biodh cuideigin gu bhith air falbh airson greis mhòr, ’s dòcha gun canadh tu riutha, ‘Soraidh slàn leat’. Agus ri cuideigin air an robh gràdh agad, ’s dòcha gun canadh tu, ‘Soraidh slàn leat, a ghràidh’ farewell, my beloved one. Soraidh slàn leat, a ghràidh. Tha òran ainmeil às a’ Mhorbhairne air a bheil ‘Soraidh Slàn le Fionnairigh’ Farewell to Fiunary.Ìý

Bu mhath leam crìochnachadh le rudan a chanadh tu ri caraid no co-obraiche a bhios tu a’ faicinn gu tric. Mar eisimpleir – ‘°ä³óì mi a-rithist thu’ I’ll see you again. °ä³óì mi a-rithist thu.Ìý

‘°ä³óì mi a-màireach thu’ I’ll see you tomorrow. °ä³óì mi a-màireach thu. Dh’fhaodadh tu sin a fhreagairt le bhith ag ràdh, ‘°ä³óì’ no ‘°ä³óì, gu dearbh’.Ìý

Agus mas ann air an oidhche a tha e, bhiodh tu ag ràdh, ‘Oidhche Mhath’. Bidh sibh eòlach air sin, tha mi cinnteach.

Seo, ma-thà, còmhradh eadar dithis luchd-obrach aig deireadh an latha: 

’S fheàrr dhomh falbh. °ä³óì mi a-màireach thu.

°ä³óì, gu dearbh. Oidhche mhath leat.

Oidhche mhath.

The Little Letter 839

Last week, I was telling you how to ask somebody how they are, other than saying ‘Ciamar a tha thu?’ In this Litir, I’ll look at different ways of saying ‘cheerio’.

You’ll know ‘°Õì´Ç°ù²¹¾±»å³ó’ well enough. That is common today. People say, ‘°Õì´Ç°ù²¹¾±»å³ó an-dràsta.’ Cheerio just now. °Õì´Ç°ù²¹¾±»å³ó an-dràsta. If you wanted a child to say 'cheerio' to their grandmother, say, you could say this to them: ‘Can tìoraidh ri do sheanmhair’. Can tìoraidh ri do sheanmhair.Ìý

‘Mar sin leat’. ‘That means ‘cheerio’. Mar sin leat an-dràsta. Cheerio just now.

‘Slàn leat’. If you are a’ fàgail slàn aig cuideigin, you are saying ‘cheerio’ to them. Slàn leat. If you wanted a child to say ‘cheerio’ to their grandfather, you could say this to them: ‘Fàg slàn aig do sheanair’.

Soraidh also means cheerio or farewell. ‘Soraidh leat’ farewell to you. Soraidh leat. ‘Fàg soraidh aig do sheanmhair’ say farewell to your grandmother.

If somebody were to be away for a long time, perhaps you would say to them, ‘Soraidh slàn leat’. And to somebody you loved, ‘Soraidh slàn leat, a ghràidh’ farewell, my beloved one. Soraidh slàn leat, a ghràidh. There is a famous song from Morvern called ‘Soraidh Slàn le Fionnairigh’ Farewell to Fiunary.Ìý

I’d like to finish with things you would say to a friend or colleague that you see often – ‘°ä³óì mi a-rithist thu’ I’ll see you again. °ä³óì mi a-rithist thu.Ìý

‘°ä³óì mi a-màireach thu’ I’ll see you tomorrow. °ä³óì mi a-màireach thu. You could reply to that by saying, ‘°ä³óì’ or ‘°ä³óì, gu dearbh’.Ìý

And if it’s at night, you would say, ‘Oidhche Mhath’. You’ll know that, I’m sure.

Here, then, is a conversation between two work colleagues at the end of the day: 

I’d better be going [leaving]. I’ll see you tomorrow.

Indeed. Goodnight to you.



  • Sun 13 Jun 2021 16:00

All the letters

Tha gach Litir Bheag an seo / All the Little Letters are here.

Podcast: An Litir Bheag

The Little Letter for Gaelic Learners

An Litir Bheag air LearnGaelic

An Litir Bheag is also on LearnGaelic (with PDFs)
