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Episode 9

Episode 9 of 10

Calum a’ cleachdadh baidhseagal dealain air turas gu tunail trèana trèigte. Calum uses an electric bicycle to get to his destination, an abandoned train tunnel.

Anns an t-sreath seo, tha Calum MacIlleathain a’ measgachadh an tlachd a bhitheas e faighinn a’ rùileachadh diofar àiteachan agus a’ togail dhealbhan. Le seallaidhean àlainn bho air feadh na h-Alba bidh gach prògram a’ sealltainn Calum a’ dol air turas shònraichte a tha a’ tighinn gu crìch le cothrom dealbh àraid a chruthachadh.Tha Calum feumach air iomadach doighean-obrach airson na dealbhan a ghlacadh. Anns a’ phrògram-sa, tha Calum ann an Crìochan na h-Alba, air turas faisg air Peebles a’ cleachdadh baidhseagal dealain agus ag amas dealbh a thogail ann an tunail-rèile Neidpath bha roimhe mar phàirt den loidhne-rèile. Tha an tunail-rèile fhathast fosgailte dhan t-sluagh, ochd ceud meatair a dh’fhaid, ach dubh dorcha cuideachd. Mar sin suidheachadh dùbhlanach airson dealbhadair sam bith.

Intrepid Calum Maclean combines his love of exploring with photography. Featuring stunning locations from around Scotland - from the northern Highlands to the Borders, the Aberdeenshire coast to the islands of Argyll - each episode sees Calum embark on a unique journey that culminates in opportunities for special photos. His mode of travel is as varied as the locations, all the while keeping his keen photographer’s eye peeled for evocative shots employing different photographic techniques. Each episode features different cameras that Calum has chosen to use all with his distinctive enthusiasm and flair!

In this episode, Calum is in the Scottish Borders, using an electric bicycle on a trip near Peebles and aiming to take a photograph in the former Neidpath tunnel. This abandoned tunnel is still open to the public, 800m long, but also pitch black and therefore challenging circumstances for any photographer.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

10 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Calum Maclean
Producer Alasdair MacLean
