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Episode 4

Episode 4 of 6

Peter prepares the bed for planting out the brassicas and the struggle with snails begins! Tha Pàdruig a’cur corra sheòrsa càil – toiseach a’chogaidh an aghaidh nan seilcheag.

Gàrradh Phàdruig follows the progress of keen newbie gardener Peter MacQueen, as he sets about transforming his back garden in the heart of Glasgow from a messy, neglected disaster zone to productive - and aesthetically pleasing - outdoor space.

Spring is marching on, and there are plenty of jobs to do in the garden. Peter prepares the bed for planting out the brassicas and the struggle with snails begins! Peter pots some tomatoes, upcycles a discarded container to use as a planter for baby lettuce, sows carrot seeds in a bucket and plants a very ornate dwarf tree.

The series is filmed across a growing season, from January to October. Seòras the dog is with Peter all of the time - Westies love to get their paws dirty!

Tha’n t-sreath seo, Gàrradh Phàdruig, a’tighinn bhon ghàrradh aig Pàdruig MacCuinn – nach do chuir làmh riamh roimhe air, thuige seo. Ach tha làn duil aige an gàrradh-cùil am meadhan Ghlaschu, bùrach robach fàs, ùrachadh gu bhi na lios torrach, brèagha sam bi e tlachdmhor ùine chur seachad.

Tha’n t-Earrach gu bhi seachad agus gu leòr fhathast ri dhèanamh: tha Pàdruig a’ ruamhar far an cuir e corra sheòrsa càil – comharra nach eil cogadh nan seilcheag fada bhuaithe! Tha tomatoan feumach air poitean nas motha, seann soitheach [ OR seann phìos plastaig] a’dèanamh dachaigh do leiteasan òga, sìol churran ga chur ann an cuinneag – agus craobh mhaiseach choilchinn a’dol dhan talamh.

Tha an t-sreath sgaoilte thar trì ràithean, bhon Fhaoilleach chun an Damhair. Tha Seòras an cù an còmhnaidh deiseil Pàdruig a’ chuideachadh – ‘sann a tha spògan salach a’còrdadh math ri abhagan!

In Gaelic with English subtitles

29 minutes



Role Contributor
Presenter Peter Macqueen
Production Manager Sajid Quayum
