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A’ leantainn glèidheadairean rè nan ràithean aig pàircean fiath-bheathaichean na h-Alba. At Blair Drummond Safari Park, Ally and Tam feed the chimpanzees on Chimp Island.

Beathaichean a tha a’ tàladh a’ phobaill agus nan tlachd mòr dhaibh. Ach dè mu dheidhinn na daoine a tha a’ frithealadh nam beathaichean sin fad na bliadhna: na glèidheadairean. Chì sinn an càirdeas a tha eatorra, an urram a th’ aca dha chèile agus an obair a tha an lùib a bhith a’ cumail an leithid a’ dol.

An t-seachdain sa, aig Pàirc Safari Blàr Dhruiminn feumaidh Ally agus Tam siubhal gu Eilean nan Siompansaidh air eathar. 'S e Chippy an taoiseach is tha e a' faighinn a’ chiad chuid dhen bhiadh a tha Ally a’ sadadh air an eilean. A dh'aindeoin 's gu bheil iad a' tighinn a h-uile là, tha Chippy airson an ranntair aigesan a dhìon, agus tha e a’ sadadh gu lèor air ais.

Aig Pàirce Fiadh-bheatha na Gàidhealtachd, tha na Wombles, buidheann de dh'inbhich le feumalchdan sònraichte, a' cuideachadh dà uair san t-seachdain. An-diugh tha iad a' togail callaid le seann gheugan airson àrainn ùr a chruthachadh dha eòin is biastagan beaga. Agus as deidh sia òirlich de shneachd tuiteam troimhn’ oidhche, tha Laura a’ biathachadh na mathain-bàn agus tha iad air an dòigh glan leis an aimsir.

The wildlife parks and zoos in Scotland are huge visitor attractions and home to all types of creatures – exotic and endangered, large and small. We get to know the animals and their individual personalities through the eyes of their keepers. We learn about the conservation work and the husbandry: the feeding, the care, the welfare, the enrichment, the training and the breeding programmes as well as the endless graft - all in a day in the life of a keeper.

At Blair Drummond Safari Park, Ally and Tam feed the chimpanzees on Chimp Island by throwing their food from a boat. Yet, each day, Chippy the dominant male likes to protect his territory and throws clods of earth and branches back at the keepers.

At Highland Wildlife Park, the Wombles are a group of adults with special needs who visit the park twice weekly to help the keepers. Today they are creating a hedge from branches that the reindeer have stripped clean, which will create a new habitat for birds and insects. And after six inches of snow falls overnight, the polar bears are loving the weather as Laura feeds them.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

59 minutes

Last on

Wed 17 Apr 2024 23:00

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Role Contributor
Producer Patricia Macleod
Director Scott Brown
Executive Producer Ishbel Maclennan
Editor Jonny Craigmile
