Sùgh Le Sunnd/Emotion Juice
Skateboarder Bobby Jock is going to perform a show, but the tickets are expensive. To pay for them, Matilda and her friends decide to sell squeezed juices.
Tha taisbeanadh beò gus a bhith aig an spèileabordair Bobaidh Seoc, ach tha na tiogaidean uabhasach daor. Tha Marisa agus a caraidean a’ cur romhpa sùgh a dhèanamh is a reic airson airgead a chruinneachadh airson tiogaidean a cheannach. Ach, tha cumhachd Marisa a’ ciallachadh gu bheil sunnd eadar-dhealaichte anns an sùgh a nì iad, a rèir dè am blas a th’ air.
The skateboarder Bobby Jock is going to perform a show, but the tickets are very expensive. To pay for the tickets, Matilda and her friends decide to sell squeezed juices to earn some money. Matilda’s power causes her to inject a certain mood into the juice, depending on the flavour.
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