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Episode 2

Episode 2 of 8

Gregor samples a new take on custard creams. Griogar MacLeòid is eileanaich eile lem molaidhean son fuine bhlasta staigh agaibh pfhèin.

From his island cottage in Callanish, Gregor MacLeod guides us through delicious recipes from traditional Scottish baking to exciting new combinations. He also meets fellow islanders who show him the secret to the perfect cakes, buns and biscuits.

Coming up with recipes is Gregor’s great love and he combines two ingredients that marry together perfectly, red wine and blue cheese, but together in a tart. And who could resist his recipe for home-made crumpets? These are best eaten warm with a slathering of butter.

Whilst out and about meeting the islands’ best bakers, Gregor samples a new take on custard creams. Not only are they filled with chocolate buttercream but they’re also dipped in melted chocolate! For a savoury dinner recipe he visits his aunt up the road who makes a tasty suet pastry roll filled with bacon and peppers.

Bho dhachaigh ann an Calanais seallaidh Griogar MacLeòid dhuinn iomadh greim blasta, eadar fuine na dùthcha san t-seann nòs, gu nithean ùr is inntinneach. Innsidh eileanaich eile dha na cuilbheartan a th’ acasan son na cèicean, na bonnaich sna briosgaidean is fheàrr.

Chan eil nì is fheàrr le Griogar na smaoineachad air dòighean còcaireachd ùra. Nach eil fìon dearg is càise gorm math còmhla? Mar sin nach biodh iad math buileach ann an tort. Agus dè mu dheidhinn a dhreach fhèin air crumpets – blàth as an àmhainn, le ìm tiugh a’ leaghadh orra.

Air chuairt a’coinneachadh ri bèiceirean eile, tha e a’ feuchainn briosgaidean a tha làn teòclaid a-muigh ‘s a-staigh. Agus son deagh dhinnear, tha e a’ tadhal air piuthar a mhàthar shuas an rathad, a nì rola taois-blonaig dha le hama is piobaran.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

29 minutes

Last on

Thu 23 Jan 2025 19:00


Role Contributor
Presenter Gregor Macleod
Editor Craig Nicol
Production Manager Sajid Quayum
Executive Producer Bill Macleòid
Director Ramsay MacMahon


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