Tha oidhche mhòr aig Mà iri aig cuirm nan cearc aice le seann charaid a’ nochdadh. Mà iri’s hen do leads to a night full of surprises with the return of an old friend.
Eadar geamannan, deoch, seann charaidean agus fireannaich rùisgte, ’s e oidhche mhòr a tha ann an cuirm nan cearc aig Mà iri – ged nach ann mar sin a tha e do dh’Iseabail. Chan eil na th’ aig Tormod ri rà dh a’ toirt mòran cofhurtachd dhi agus barrachd dragh oirre na tha i a’ leigeil oirre.
Tha fear na bainnse, Lucas, na thidsear-treòrachaidh, a’ toirt comhairle do Cheitidh aig a bheil trioblaid san sgoil agus burraidhean ag ionnsachadh mun charaid ùr aice Calum, ris a bheil i a’ bruidhinn air-loidhne.
Tha Isla air an taigh aice a reic agus i ag ullachadh airson Camus a chur air a cùlaibh agus an saoghal mòr fhaicinn ach tha a bhith a’ faicinn Alasdair le te ùr a’ cur dragh oirre, ged nach aidicheadh i sin.
Tha Donna a’ tilleadh dhachaigh às dèidh chemo agus a’ cur roimhpe a dhol chun na bainnse, ach tha Fionnlagh agus Iain le beachdan eadar-dhealaichte mu dè as fheà rr dhi.
Games, drinks, old friends and strippers make for an entertaining hen do for Mà iri - though not so much for Iseabail. Tormod’s words of comfort don’t reassure her either and there seems to be more to her woes than meets the eye.
Lucas, the groom, is the high-school guidance teacher who tries to advise Ceitidh when the bullies steal her phone and tease her about new online friend Calum.
Isla has sold the house as she prepares to leave Camus behind and go travelling. She reacts angrily to Alasdair’s new girlfriend. Donna returns home from chemotherapy and looks forward to going to Mà iri’s wedding, but Finlay and Iain don’t agree on whether she can go.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
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Duration: 01:11
Role | Contributor |
Anndra | Iain Beggs |
Raonaid | Catriona Lexy Campbell |
Cailean | Cailean Collier |
Murchadh | Donnie Finlayson |
Mairi | Debbie Mackay |
Tormod | Iain Macrae |
Director | John Murdo MacAulay |
Producer | Sarah Jane Campbell |
Executive Producer | Christopher Young |
Executive Producer | Bill Macleòid |
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