Scottish Women’s Cup final
Derek Mackay and Calum MacAulay look back at the previous two years of the Scottish Women’s Cup final.
Tha Derek MacAoidh agus Calum MacAmhlaidh còmhla rinn ’s iad a’ toirt sùil air ais air an dà chuairt dheireannach Chupa Alba nam Ban a chaidh seachad.
Le lasadh ùr, bha Hibs faisg air Glasgow City a ghlacadh anns gach fharpais Albannach. Ged nach robh e comasach dhaibh an lìg fhaighinn, bhuinnig iad Cupa Alba nam Ban agus Cupa Lìg Alba nam Ban – ach an urrainn dhaibh na chupannan a ghlèidheadh ann an 2019?
Seo sgeulachd dà sgioba ’s iad a’ strì ’son Cupa na h-Alba a’ bhuinnig.
Derek Mackay and Calum MacAulay look back at the previous two years of the Scottish Women’s Cup final.
A resurgent Hibs side were beginning to close the gap on their Glasgow City rivals in all competitions. While the league continued to elude them, they had gained control over both domestic cups but could they hold on to their silverware in 2019?
This is the story of the power struggle between the two sides for the biggest cup prize in the domestic game.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
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