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The Staffin Mòd is here again, with competition galore for the medals.
Tha Mòd an Taobh Sear ann a-rithist is bidh duaisean gu leòr a’ dol. Ach coma leat a’ chlann bhochd a tha a’ gabhail pà irt ann, feuch fhèin na pà rantan is iad… à raid. Co-dhiù, tha ciall gu leòr aig Mà iri is i gar stiùireadh tron là .
The Staffin Mòd is here again with competition galore for the medals. But never mind the poor children taking part, check out the parents who are a wee bit...odd. Thank goodness for Mà iri who guides us through the day.
Last on
Mon 10 Feb 2020
- Mon 10 Feb 2020 18:30