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Snaoisean agus Fear na Pàirce

Tha Snaoisean air a bhith ri cleasan ach, ‘s e a charaidean a tha gus a choire fhaighinn! Snaoisean has been playing tricks, but his friends are about to get the blame!

Chan eil Snaoisean agus fear na pàirce a’ tighinn a- rèir a chèile ‘s leis a sin, tha Snaoisean a cur roimhe cleas a chluich air an duine. Ge-tà, ‘s ann a tha coire air a chur air caraidean Snaoisean! An tèid aca air a chùis a rèiteachadh eatorra?

Snaoisean is fed up with the park keeper and all his rules so he decides to play tricks on him to get his revenge! However, it is Snaoisean’s friends who get the blame for the hi-jinks! Will they all be able to resolve the matter between them?

22 minutes
