Duaisean ceòl traidiseanta, beò à Obar Dheathain, le Mà iri Anna NicUalraig is Kim Carnie. Traditional music awards, live from Aberdeen, hosted by Mary Ann Kennedy and Kim Carnie.
Na Trads - Duaisean Ceòl Traidiseanta na h-Alba, 2019 - a tighinn beò à Obar Dheathain le tachartas sònraichte far am bidh Sian, Heisk, Skerryvore, Session A9, Mairi Campbell agus Robyn Stapleton am measg na bhios a’ cluich beò air an oidhche.
Tha Na Trads a' toirt cuirmean mhìorbhaileach dhuinn an cois an t-seòrsa drà ma nach fhaighear an à ite eile ach aig cuirm dhuaisean Na Trads. Tha na duaisean a' foillseachadh an neart agus an smior a tha a-nise air cùl saoghal a chiùil ann an Alba. A’ lìbhrigeadh còmhla tha Mà iri Anna NicUalraig agus Kim Carnie air an à rd-ùrlar a’ toirt dhuinn drà ma agus fealla-dhà agus iad a’ moladh gaisgich saoghail a chiùil.
The Trads - Scotland's Traditional Music Awards, 2019 - live from Aberdeen. An all-star lineup that sees Sian, Heisk, Skerryvore, Session A9, Mairi Campbell and Robyn Stapleton amongst the acts that are performing live. Following weeks of anticipation and a public vote, the evening celebrates those who have influenced the traditional music scene. The Trads is a platform for some fantastic performances, coupled with the emotion and excitement that comes with an awards ceremony. Hosts for the evening are broadcaster Mary Ann Kennedy and musician Kim Carnie, who will be onstage for an evening of drama and fun as they honour the heroes of the traditional music world.
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- Sat 7 Dec 2019 21:00
- Sun 8 Dec 2019 20:55