Episode 7
Ruairidh Alastair explores cycling in cities – are we ready and willing? Ruairidh Alastair le ceist mu shiubhal baile air baidhseagal – bheil sinn deiseil agus deònach?
Tha Ruairidh Alastair air ais le tuilleadh cheistean mu chùisean a tha a’ toirt buaidh air beatha dhaoine òga, agus tha e a’ sireadh fhreagairtean le bhith a’ còmhradh ri eòlaichean, ag èisteachd ri buill ar pannail agus a’ rannsachadh tron fhòn-là imhe aige is a thoinisg fhèin.
Sa phrògram seo tha e a’ faighneachd a bheil sinn deiseil agus deònach am baile a shiubhal air baidhseagal. Le blà thchadh an t-saoghail na chuspair là itheil, am bu chòir barrachd ghoireasan a chruthachadh dhaibhsan a tha ris – no bheil drà ibheirean chà r ceart a bhi feargach leotha mur eil iad dòigheil no faiceallach air an t-srà id? Tha Ruairidh Alasdair a’còmhradh ri fear a tha a’trèanadh drà ibheirean là raidh air sà bhailteachd timcheall bhaidhseaglan, ri fear a tha a’reic bhaidhseagal is feadhainn a tha muigh orra tric – agus cluinnidh e bho chomhairle baile – dè nì iadsan gus slighean baidhseagail a leasachadh?
Ruairidh Alastair is back with more questions about issues that affect the lives of young people, and he is seeking answers by talking with experts, listening to our panellists and researching using his mobile phone and his wits.
In this episode, he dons a hi-vis jacket as he asks if cycling in the city is something we are prepared for and prepared to do? With climate change high on the agenda, should we be doing more to accommodate cyclists? Are some motorists right to be annoyed by the badly behaved on bikes? Ruairidh Alastair meets a transport manager who trains lorry drivers on how to be safer around cyclists. He finds out about the history of the bike and the long-standing animosity between two wheels and four. Cyclists get the chance to give their view. And he puts Scotland’s largest council on the spot about its plans to improve cycle routes throughout the city.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
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Beachd bhon rothadair Hamish Macleòid
Duration: 01:29
- Thu 5 Dec 2019 22:00
- Mon 9 Dec 2019 23:25