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An Litir Bheag 756

Litir Bheag na seachdain sa le Ruairidh MacIlleathain. Litir àireamh 756. Roddy Maclean is back with this week's short letter for Gàidhlig learners.

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Sun 10 Nov 2019 16:00


An Litir Bheag 756

Halò a-rithist, a chàirdean. An toigh leibh tòimhseachain? Fhuair mi lorg air feadhainn an latha eile. Bha iad ann an seann phàipear-naidheachd a chaidh fhoillseachadh anns an naoidheamh linn deug – An Gàidheal. Bha mi ga leughadh air an eadar-lìon.

An toiseach, dà thòimhseachan a tha a’ cleas leis an fhacal ‘fada’. Seo agaibh a’ chiad fhear: Carson a tha leabaidh an t-slaodair ro ghoirid air a shon? A bheil sibh a’ tuigsinn an fhacail slaodair? Cuideigin a tha leisg is slaodach. Carson a tha leabaidh an t-slaodair ro ghoirid air a shon? A chionn ʼs gu bheil e ro fhada innte. Because he is too long in it. A chionn ʼs gu bheil e ro fhada innte.

Seo agaibh tòimhseachan eile anns an aon iris dhen Ghàidheal: Cò an sluagh as leisge, agus carson? Cò an sluagh as leisge, agus carson? ʼS e am fuasgladh – An fheadhainn as àirde, oir bidh iad nas fhaide anns a’ leabaidh na càch! They are longer in bed than the rest. An fheadhainn as àirde, oir bidh iad nas fhaide anns a’ leabaidh na càch!

Bha na seann Ghàidheil riamh measail air tòimhseachain. Seo agaibh fear eile: Carson a tha muc anns an t-seòmar coltach ri taigh na theine? Carson a tha muc anns an t-seòmar coltach ri taigh na theine? Mar as luaithe a chuireas tu às i, ʼs ann as fheàrr. The sooner you put it out, the better. Mar as luaithe a chuireas tu às i, ʼs ann as fheàrr.

Agus fear eile. Carson a tha fiacail a chaidh a tharraing coltach ri nì a chaidh air dìochuimhne? Carson a tha fiacail a chaidh a tharraing coltach ri nì a chaidh air dìochuimhne? ʼS e am fuasgladh – Dh’fhalbh e às a’ cheann!

Agus aon fhear eile. ʼS dòcha nach bi seo cho furasta dhuibh. Ach smaoinichibh air buntàta agus na tha air. Carson a tha deòir coltach ri buntàta? Why are tears like potatoes? Tha iad a’ fàs às an t-sùil. They grow from the eye. Nì sin an gnothach airson tòimhseachain an-dràsta, chanainn. Mar sin leibh.

The Little Letter 756

Hello again, friends. Do you like riddles? I found some the other day. They were in an old newspaper that was published in the nineteenth century – An Gàidheal. I was reading it on the internet.

To begin with, two riddles that play with the word ‘fada’ (long). Here is the first one: Why is the lazy man’s bed too short for him? Do you understand the word slaodair? Someone who is lazy and slow. Why is the lazy man’s bed too short for him? Because he is too long in it. Because he is too long in it.

Here is another riddle for you that is in the same edition of An Gàidheal. Who are the laziest people, and why? The solution is – the tallest people, because they are longer in bed than the rest! They are longer in bed than the rest. The tallest people, because they are longer in bed than the rest!

The old Gaels were always fond of riddles. Here is another for you: Why is a pig in the room like a house on fire? Why is a pig in the room like a house on fire? The sooner you put it out, the better. The sooner you put it out, the better. The sooner you put it out, the better.

And another. Why is a tooth that has been extracted like something that has been forgotten? Why is a tooth that has been extracted like something that has been forgotten? The solution is – it has left the head! 

And one other. Perhaps this won’t be as easy for you. But think of a potato and what is on it. Why are tears like potatoes? Why are tears like potatoes? They grow from the eye. They grow from the eye. That’ll do for riddles just now, I’d say. Cheerio.


  • Sun 10 Nov 2019 16:00

All the letters

Tha gach Litir Bheag an seo / All the Little Letters are here.

Podcast: An Litir Bheag

The Little Letter for Gaelic Learners

An Litir Bheag air LearnGaelic

An Litir Bheag is also on LearnGaelic (with PDFs)
