Slighe sgoile Na h-Eileanan Filipineach/Ways to school in Philippines
The children from Madibago in the southern Philippines have one of the most spectacular and dangerous ways to school in the world.
The children from Madibago in the southern Philippines have one of the most spectacular and dangerous ways to school in the world. Some walk alone through the jungle for hours, others risk their lives in order to make it past a steep face of rock and boulders overgrown with moss and tree roots. The weather can change suddenly in the Philippines. In the wet, the roots, rocks and soil can become even more slippery than usual. But that doesn’t keep the children from chasing their dreams.
Facing the most extreme conditions, the children in this series must march, climb or swim their way to school. And yet, they have only one goal in sight, education and a better life. These children have the most spectacular and most dangerous way to school in the world.
Tha aon de na slighean sgoile as mìorbhailich agus as cunnartaich aig clann à Madibago ann an Ceann a Deas nam Phillipines. Tha feadhainn a’ coiseachd airson uairean a thìde tro dhlùth-choilltean, tha cuid eile a’ cur iad fhèin ann an cunnart a’ dìreadh creagan mòra air an còmhdach le còinneach agus freumhan chraobhan. Tha an aimsir sna Philippines gu math caochlaideach. Air sgà th seo, tha na freumhan, na creagan agus an talamh a’ fàs sleamhainn ach chan eil seo dol a chur stad air a’ chloinn gus na h-amasan aca a choileanadh.
Feumaidh a' chlann san t-sreath seo coiseachd, sreap no snà mh ann an suidheachaidhean cunnartach air an t-slighe chun na sgoile. Chan eil aca ach aon amas: foghlam a nì leasachadh air am beatha. 'S ann aig a' chloinn seo a tha na slighean sgoile as cunnartaiche air thalamh – agus cuid dhen fheadhainn as bòidhche cuideachd.
Dubbed in Gaelic with English subtitles
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