A horse with sarcoids, a sickly cow and lambs
Each air a bheil sarcoidean, bò a th' air cuideam a chall agus à m breith nan uan. A horse with sarcoids, a cow in Forfar that has rapidly lost weight and lambing in Uist.
Anns an t-sreath seo coinnichidh sinn ri lighichean-sprèidh bho air feadh Alba is iad ri frithealadh iomadach seòrsa beathach beag is mòr, peatail agus fiadhaich. Bidh sgeulachdan toileachais agus bròin pailt agus sinn a’ coinneachadh ris gach creutair beò.
An t-seachdain-sa, tha cliù air feadh an t-saoghail aig an t-Ollamh Derek Knottenbelt mar eòlaiche sharcoidean agus tha Spike air siubhal ceithir cheud is trithead mìle à Kent gu Ospadal Eich Sgoil Lighichean Sprèidh Glaschu airson obair lannsa.
Ann am Farfar, tha Fiona Crowden a' dèiligeadh ri bò a th' air cuideam a chall gu h-obann agus air a bheil teasach. Tha i a’ toirt dhith lionn ann an cabhaig troimh phìob dìreach dhan stamag.
Agus, tha Ealasaid Dick ann an Uibhist a Tuath a' dol a dh’ fhaicinn caora air a bheil leabaidh an uain air tuiteam. Ach, nuair a ruigeas Ealasaid, tha ùpraid ann le caora eile.
This series takes viewers on a journey across Scotland following vets as they tend to animals from small to large to very wild. Stories of joy and stories of sadness as we meet all creatures great and small.
Professor Derek Knottenbelt is a world-renowned expert on sarcoids – tumours that form on the skin of horses. Sixteen-year-old Spike has travelled 430 miles from Kent to The Equine Hospital at Glasgow Vet School for surgery with Derek.
In Forfar, Fiona Crowden is treating a cow that's rapidly lost weight and is running a temperature. She gives her a fast dose of fluids directly into her stomach.
And, in North Uist, Ealasaid Dick arrives to treat a prolapsed sheep only to get caught up in a drama with another sheep that is having difficulty lambing.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
Air a riochdachadh le Midas Media airson ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ ALBA
Aithris is Riochdachadh: Patricia NicLeòid
Stiùireadh is Camara: Scott Brown
Gearradh: Jonny Craigmile
Produced by Midas Media for ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ ALBA
Narrator & Producer: Patricia Macleod
Director & Cameraman: Scott Brown
Editor: Jonny Craigmile
Last on
Tha Spike air siubhal 430 mìle airson obair-lannsa
Duration: 01:31
Role | Contributor |
Executive Producer | Ishbel Maclennan |
Series Producer | Patricia Macleod |
Director | Scott Brown |
Editor | Jonny Craigmile |
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