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Gluais! (Healthy Body, Healthy Mind)

Episode 11 of 14

An insightful look at the place of exercise in today’s society as we see who’s doing what and why.

Dha mòran, ‘s e dùbhlan a th’ann a bhith ag eacarsaich, agus rud nach eilear a’ còrdadh idir ro deireadh là fada obrach. Dha cuid eile ge-tà tha e air a bhith riamh na phàirt dhe am beatha – agus às aonais tha rudeigin air chall.

Bho ruith, gu a’ dol gu ionad fallaineachd, gu yoga, campaichean trèanaidh a-muigh, ball-coise coiseachd, bogsadh Thai agus fiù ‘s neartachadh bodhaig – tha rudeigin ann dhan a h-uile duine as bith dè an aois.

Le mòran san là an-diugh ag obair ann an obraichean deasga chan eil daoine a’ gluasad no ag eacarsaich mar a bha iad aig aon àm. Tha ar beathanan gu math nas suidhichte nan àbhaist. An cois sin tha diofar chunnartan slàinte ann – le daoine a’ cur cuideam orra, agus buailteach fulung le duilgheadasan slàinte eile.

Ach le daoine nas mothachaile air na cunnartan, tha barrachd is barrachd ri eacarsaich, agus thathas ag ràdh gu bheil gnìomhachas na fallaineachd luach còrr is £5bn. Tha e air fhaicinn mar phàirt riatanach dhe bhith a’ dèiligeadh leis na cunnartan slàinte seo, agus cho cudromach dha ar slàinte inntinn agus ar slàinte bodhaig – agus sinn a’ sireadh cothromachd dha air beathanan trang.

Gluais ! – sùil fiosrachail air àite eacarsaich san là an diugh, agus sinn a coimhead air cò a tha a’ dèanamh dè agus carson ?

For many, it can be a real challenge to exercise, and something that is tough to face at the end of a long day at work. For others though it has long been a part of their life, and something that is a must in their daily routine. Without it they feel that there is something missing.

From running to going to the gym, to yoga, boot camps in the great outdoors, walking, football, Thai boxing and even bodybuilding – there is something for everyone, no matter your age.

With many people working in desk jobs today, we have become much less active than in the past, leading a much more sedentary life. With that come various health risks that mean people are more prone to putting on weight and developing different health issues.

But as people become increasingly aware of the risks, exercise is gaining popularity, with the fitness industry reportedly worth over £5 billion. It’s now also seen as a key way of preventing these health problems, and as important to our mental health as it is to our physical world – a balance to our busy lives.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

58 minutes


Role Contributor
Narrator Niall Iain MacDonald
