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B霉marang/Return to Sender
Episode 18 of 20
Children's series. The Farmer receives a mystery gift from his antipodean cousin that leaves him unimpressed.
Tha an tuathanach a' faighinn tiodhlac neo-脿bhaisteach bho co-ogha 脿 Astr脿ilia. M矛-thoilichte leis an tiodhlac, tha e a' feuchainn a thilgeil air falbh ach tha e gu daonnan a' tilleadh air ais, dha dh猫anamh cinnteach gu bheil comas draoidheachd aig an rud.
The Farmer receives a mystery gift from his antipodean cousin. However, he is unimpressed with the present and attempts to throw it away, only for it to keep reappearing. He becomes convinced it has magical powers.
Last on
Sun 29 Sep 2019