Music show presented by Mary Ann Kennedy, filmed during Celtic Connections 2018 and featuring Jarlath Henderson and Lau.
An ceathramh pr貌gram a sreath air a l矛bhrigeadh le M脿iri Anna NicUalraig agus D貌mhnall Eoghainn MacFhionghain. Chaidh Seirm a chl脿radh air beulamh luchd 猫isteachd anns an Hillhead Bookclub aig 脿m f猫is Celtic Connections anns am Faoilleach, 2018. Anns a' phr貌gram roghainneach seo tha feadhainn d'en luchd-ci霉il as fhe脿rr bho'n fh猫is. A-nochd air Seirm chithear am p矛obaire, seinneadair agus sgr矛obhaiche-ci霉il a tha air deagh chli霉 a chosnadh dha fh猫in, Jarlath Henderson; Notify, c貌mhlan 貌g aig a bheil freumhan ci霉il ann an 脠irinn agus ann an ce貌l jazz agus c貌mhlan-ci霉il a tha nan tosgairean airson ce貌l tradiseanta, Lau.
The fourth episode of Seirm is presented by musician and broadcaster Mary Ann Kennedy. Filmed in the atmospheric Hillhead Bookclub before an audience at the Celtic Connections music festival in January 2018, this eclectic show features lively performances from the best of the festival alongside some unique musical collaborations.
Appearing in this programme are acclaimed piper, singer and composer Jarlath Henderson; Notify, the young jazz-influenced band with musical roots in Ireland; and a band who are ambassadors for traditional music, Lau.