Episode 6
Documentary series following surgery ship African Mercy. In this episode, arrivals on the ship include a young girl with severe bilateral bowed legs.
Tha long ospadail sh貌nraichte a tha a' toirt seachad obair-lannsa aig muir, a' d猫anamh air na daoine as bochda ann an Afraga. Chan eil aca ach aon bhliadhna airson an obair do-dh猫anta seo a dh猫anamh - c霉ram a' thoirt do dhaoine nach fhaigh e ann an 脿ite sam bith eile. Tha an luchd-meidigeach saor-thoileach a' cumail orra gu trang.
Tha an sgioba sgr霉daidh a' gluasad gu t矛r, gu sg矛rean iomallach Benin gus goireasan an Long Lannsaireachd a thabhainn an sin. Ch矛 sinn Faith, nighean 貌g a tha a' fulang le casan crom. Cuideachd tha Jonas, a tha tilleadh le cnap air aodann agus e an d貌chas gur e seo an obair-lannsa mu dheireadh a dh' fheumas e agus Thierry, duine le cnap m貌r air aodann agus slighe-leigheis fhada air thoiseach air.
A unique hospital ship offering life-saving surgery sets sail for the poorest of the poor in Africa. It has just one year to do the impossible - to provide the care these people cannot get any other way.
The volunteer medics continue to treat extraordinary cases of medical need. Featured patients include Faith, a young girl with severe bilateral bowed legs; Jonas, a return patient whose tumour grew back, hoping this will his last surgery; and Thierry - a man with a huge facial tumour and a dramatic journey of healing.