Episode 3
Lighichean a' toirt taic air Taobh Siar Afraga. Documentary series following surgery ship African Mercy. This episode sees Dr Gary Parker reunited with a former patient.
Tha long ospadail sh貌nraichte a tha a' toirt seachad obair-lannsa aig muir, a' d猫anamh air na daoine as bochda ann an Afraga. Chan eil aca ach aon bhliadhna airson an obair do-dh猫anta seo a dh猫anamh - c霉ram a' thoirt do dhaoine nach fhaigh e ann an 脿ite sam bith eile. Fhad 's a tha na dotairean a' cumail orra leis an obair mh矛orbhaileach aca, tha an Dotair Gary Parker agus an Caiptean John Borrow a' cnuasachadh air ais air na bliadhnaichean a tha iad air a chur seachad air na Mercy Ships. Cuideachd tha be脿rn-bhe貌il air an leanaban Prunel a' toirt an Dotair Gary agus seann euslainteach c貌mhla. Tha sinn a' leantainn Barthelimy agus Sergio aig a bheil cnapan air an aodainn, ach a dh'aindeoin gach oidhirp, uaireannan chan eil e a' dol mar a thathas an d霉il.
A unique hospital ship offering life-saving surgery sets sail for the poorest of the poor in Africa. It has just one year to do the impossible - to provide the care these people cannot get any other way.
While volunteer medics continue to treat extraordinary cases of medical need, Dr Gary Parker and Captain John Borrow reflect on their decades with Mercy Ships. A cleft lip repair on baby Prunel reunites Dr Gary with a former patient and we follow the transformations of 38-year-old Barthelimy and 11-year-old Sergio, both with deforming facial tumours. Despite best efforts, sometimes the results don't meet expectations.